
The Nehemiah Project was approved by Classis Hudson and Classis Hackensack in September of 2018. It is a 12+ year plan and is commencing in four phases. Following in the footsteps of Nehemiah, each phase has certain distinct emphases with the beginning phases laying the ground work for subsequent ministry. Various teams will help implement the phases.

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Leaders foster deep intimacy with Christ and a renewed sense of calling. Young and old gather throughout the region in Prayer Hubs to seek God, listen and discern opportunities for ministry.

Teams - Leadership Encouragement Team; Prayer Team

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Prepare (ACTIVE)

Equip churches in the areas of disciple-making, raising up APEST leaders and local missional expression. Culture changes. Classis gears up for launching new ministries.

Teams - APEST Team, Discipleship Team, Missional Church Team and Go Local

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Launch innovative new disciple-making ministries - church plants and campus ministries - with multiplication DNA and NProject values.  Eight new ministries are started.

Teams - Church Planting Team, Campus Team

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See the fruit multiplied as disciples make disciples.  New ministries collaborate to multiply. Continued investment in the future. An additional 16 ministries are started.