Towards Renewal

How your church can get involved in Phase 3

Through the Nehemiah Project, we sense God calling us not only to start new ministries, but to renew existing ministries as well. We believe this can happen as churches pray, believe the Gospel and adapt to the changing missional context of the East Coast. Our goal is to see growth and vibrancy in every established CRC in the region. Here are different ways to start engaging in renewal efforts in your church:

  1. Vibrancy Pathway; A God-given, Hope-filled Future. God has a unique future for your congregation. Whether you see bright skies or clouds on the horizon Vibrancy Pathway discovers the best path into your congregation’s God-given, hope-filled future. The pathway will take your church on a journey of listening to the voice of God, the congregation, and leadership to discern your best path forward

  2. Crossroads Discernment Process a 3-6 month facilitated discernment process to help your church think about next steps.

  3. The goal of the Nehemiah Project is to start 20+ new ministries. To that end, we are requesting 8 lighthouse churches that will commit to planting two churches in the next 12 years. Please prayerfully consider with your church leadership team whether your church could be a lighthouse church. Learn about grants for church planting residencies.

  4. Commit to praying for the following: for spiritual renewal in Classis Hudson and Hackensack, for revival, for fresh ideas, for camaraderie and friendship between churches, and for all the lost in our cities who don’t know Jesus.